Monday, 5 December 2011

Group 4 Tools: ZooBurst

Digital tool: ZooBurst for interactive digital


Image retrieved from

ZooBurst is an online tool that allows both teachers and students to collaboratively or individually create their own digital pop-up book. The beauty of ZooBurst is that it is really simple to navigate and extremely engaging. Text can be added into a large text box and images can be added from their library or uploaded by the user. As I am specialising in Early Childhood Education I immediately saw how this tool could be applied in the Early Childhood setting and the many outcomes that could be achieved.

ZooBurst benefits

  • ·         Encourages creative writing skills
  • ·         Encourages creative thinking through the use of visual and text.
  • ·         Could be embedded across all KLA’s
  • ·         Could be implemented as a both a collaborative or individual activity
  • ·         Enhances navigation and ICT skills
  • ·         Enhances visual literacy skills
  • ·         Authors of their own books (ownership)
  • ·         Can be printed
  • ·         Self-satisfaction/sense of achievement

Practical classroom application
    • Students could write creative stories about topics that interest them.
    • Students could create factual stories about topics that interest them.
    • Artwork or excursion photos can be uploaded and made into a 3D story
    • could be used in collaborative groups or individually, allowing for draft, editing and review over several lessons before final presentation to peers
    • Could be used as a documentation wall (a story about what the kids did that day or exciting things that happened).
    • Stories could be created and left up on the whiteboard for parents and guests to read.
    • Students could physically create their own pop-up book.
    All these suggestions lead to positive cross curricula integration and believe this tool would be great in an early childhood setting.

    To help me analyse and reflect on ZooBurst I have created a PMI thinking tool which I have embedded below.

    ZooBurst PMI

    ·         Fun and engaging

    Easy to use

    Information literacy 

    Multimedia skills
    ·        Creative thinking
    Writing skills 

    ·        Communication skills

    ·        Visual literacy skill
          Drama skills

          Media skills

    Language skills

    Publishing Skills

    Presentation skills

    Oral Fluency

    Technology skills
    ·         Interactive

    ·         Collaborative
         Authors of their own book (gives students ownership of their learning)

    ·         Images are limited, limiting creativity

    ·         High scaffoding needed

    ·         Time consuming
    ·         Great for early childhood children and lower primary

    ·         Safe protected safe

    ·         Great for teachers to create a book for storytime reflecting something that may have happened that day or topics that interst the students

    ·         Studnets can collaborativly or individually create and present their book to the rest of the class

     Below I have created my own digital pop-up book called 'Song Bird' using ZooBurst. I really loved creating this book for my own enjoyment and will definitly use this tool for myself and my stundents in my future practice as an educator. It's a pretty silly story but I hope you enjoy reading it : )

    Many tools on the World Wide Web are available that can be used for educational reasons. Other great online tools online are:

    • Digital tool: Animation and Simulation
    • Digital Tool: Google Earth
    • Digital Tool: Google Maps
    • Digital Tool: Google Documents for collaboration
    • Digital tool: online timelines
    • Digital tool: MuseumBox

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