Friday, 11 November 2011

ICT Frameworks and Theory

This week we were asked to consider two learning design frameworks for ICT for education. TPACK and Blooms taxonomy are two guidelines which can be followed as a combined outline which nicely compliment each other in the classroom. I think TPACK is a great framework and extremely important when incorporating ICT into classrooms. TPACK is a framework used to define the different types of knowledge and understanding needed by a Learning Manager for effective and successful pedagogical practice in a technology (ICT) learning environment.  TPACK identifies that successful ICT Integration for teaching specific content knowledge involves understanding the connections and links between three components, these including technology, pedagogy and content. TPACK highlights the complex relationships between these three components which provide structure for educators to successfully implement ICT effectively in the classroom. This year’s experiences in the classroom had me taking advantage of the Interactive Whiteboard for almost every one of my lessons, purely for the interest and engagement I got from the students when in practice…. learning became fun. Throughout the year, I found many of the classroom teachers rarely used their interactive whiteboards, mostly because there was a lack of competency with the technology and also many uneducated on the benefits and importance of such interactive machines. This clearly shows the importance of a document like TPACK, teaching staff both young and old how to successfully incorporate technology into their classroom.   

Next I looked at and explored Blooms taxonomy. Blooms taxonomy bases its theory around a classification of six levels within the cognitive domain, from lower to higher order thinking as shown below.  

Google image retrieved from

Blooms taxonomy can be implemented across all year levels and content areas to enable learning Managers to assess learning outcomes in alignment with national standards. By means of moving students forward through each level of Blooms Taxonomy, TPACK and Blooms theory can be successfully entwined and integrated into ICT learning experiences in ways that are fun and interactive.

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